Legendary Treatment for Difficult Delivery

Because of the empirical way of medical practice in TCM, many inconceivable drugs and treatments came into being.

One tale concerns a simpleton whose father was a famous TCM doctor. One day, a woman was having difficult delivery, and someone came for help. It happened that the father was not home, so the simpleton was brought to the lying-in woman as a last resort. After all, his father was a famous doctor, so he must knew something about it.

The simpleton bought a gong on his way and arrived at the woman’s bed.


He struck the gong three times, and the child was delivered crying out loud.

People exclaimed and said: “What a miracle doctor!” His father was back, heard about it and got very confused, so he asked: “Which school of medicine were you practicing?

The simpleton replied: “Whenever theatrical troupe comes, and as soon as hear the sound of the gong, it’s always the children who run the fastest. This one was no exception.




——————————————Health is Wealth—————————————-

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