Severe Fracture Healed in 3 Months

A good friend of mine fell in the shower and broke his ribs. WM doctors suggested to get plaster cast and a sling, which would take a long time.

He wanted it healed sooner, so went to a local TCM doctor, and it did recuperate within a month. I asked the doctor’s name from him- Dr. Zheng.

Soon enough, my brother-in-law was involved in a fight and broke his pinkie. So I took him to Dr. Zheng, who examined it and said:

It’s no big deal- nothing but bone fracture. If you took my medicine, it will heal in a month.

It did not hurt while the medicine was applied, and within a week the pinkie could move a bit.

In weeks, the pinkie was completely healed and nimble as ever.


However, I secretly told my sister-in-law:

Let’s be safe and try stay away from him; he is so arrogant.

Dr. Zheng does not have a medical diploma, and even looks down on those with one. If anyone broke his bones and did not come to see Dr. Zheng first, he would get angry and be reluctant to treat the guy, and even become sarcastic about it:

” I am only a country doctor, I wouldn’t dare to hold you up. Why don’t you still go back to those professors and specialists? 

Unfortunately another 6 months passed and my brother-in-law got drunk and fell into a sewage well. When rescued, he was swollen all the way from the ankle to crotch, and could not walk at all.

When carried to Dr. Zheng’s, my brother-in-law was crying out loud due to severe pain. The doctor checked him, and quoted a price for each leg.

My brother-in-law asked: “Shouldn’t I get a wholesale discount, because it’s two legs instead of one? Can you do better than that?

“Good sport! In such pain and still bargaining! I’ll give you a discount.”

His treatment was to pinch the broken bones together, and apply homemade medicinal mud.

The first ‘ingredient‘ of the mud is to smash a young rooster dead on the ground, then mash it and mix with several other secret recipes.

I asked my in-law how it feet. He said he could clearly feel tightness of his legs, and the blood and veins started roaming at night.

In about 6 weeks he could inch forward with support of his hands.

In 2 months, he started walking.

In 3 months, he could walk fast as ever and started going from one pub to another.




——————————————Health is Wealth—————————————

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