Causes of Breast Cancer 3- Crucial Role of The Heart

by Dr. Ni Haixia at Hantang College of TCM, Florida

The heart controls the menstrual cycle. In the thousands of years’ TCM records and research of the heart, there was no record of such issues as cardiac valvular insufficiency defined by the WM.

These heart conditions happen in modern times mainly due to excessive taking of Western medicines developed by pharmaceutical companies, such as antibiotics, painkillers, many controlling drugs, female hormones, and even vitamin E, all of which can hurt the heart.

But in their advertising, vitamin E is being advocated as capable of preventing heart diseases.

When the heart is harmed, insomnia would initially arise. WM does not know that insomnia is mainly caused by Western medicines’ side effects, domestic troubles, or depression.

So WM would prescribe sleeping pills or anti-depressive drugs for insomnia patients, making things even worse and bringing more damage to the heart.

Eventually, due to a lack of energy in the heart, breast milk can not completely transport to the uterus. After the menstrual period, there will still be residual milk in the breast, which will accumulate every month.

According to ‘Suwen,’ a TCM classic, emotions can affect people’s physiological cycle.

In the past, Chinese women were primarily confined at home, which is pretty depressing, so they were prone to breast cancer.

Although that’s no longer the case for modern women, the ever-lasting pressure from life and work would make them worry, coupled with the toxins of Western medicines, the heart becomes even more vulnerable.

Is Moxibustion Suitable for Everyone? (2)

So if someone’s physical condition is suitable for moxibustion, does it mean moxibustion can be performed at any time? The answer is no.

Many people may have heard of the saying that women cannot perform moxibustion during menstruation. I think this makes good sense in principle. Because the innate nature of moxibustion is Pure Yang, once enters the body, it would accelerate blood circulation and significantly ehnance vitality. However, for a girl with heavy menstrual flow, moxibustion during menstrual period would lead to even greater bleeding, thereby weakening the body, which is counterproductive of purpose of moxibustion. Therefore, moxibustion during menstruation should be very cautious.

Suspended Moxibustion
Suspended Moxibustion

There is a reason that I did not shut the door completely about performing moxibustion during menstruation, because it is not absolute. Traditional Chinese Medicine originated from philosophy, and is dialectical in a sense. One example is a classmate of mine, who exhibited symptoms of Blood Stasis. She often performs moxibustion in the middle of her period, which would make her menstruation smoother and her body more relaxed.

The moral of her case is moxibustion must be performed based on wise selection of timing, and depend on individual situation, so as to maximize its effect.

This post is eidted and translated from an article on