Moxibustion Case*- Bloated Abs & Irregular Menstration (II)

Through previous discussion, we know moxibustion has very good therapeutic effect on diseases caused by Cold-evil, Qi stagnation and Original Qi deficiency; so it seems to be a good therapy. Then why does it introduce new diseases? Is it because moxibustion is performed improperly? No, they are all done correctly. The reason arises from an important theory of TCM-human being is a unified whole, the acupoints are points on meridians within the body. Therefore stimulating any part of the body could cause reaction of the whole body, and stimulation of any acupoints could also trigger reaction within this meridian.

The girl mentioned before performed moxibustion on the acupoint of Sanyinjiao, which is intersection of the spleen, kidney, and liver meridians; so all three meridians were influenced at the same time. The spleen meridian is in charge of the digestive function of the body, and kidney and liver meridians are closely related to the reproductive system. During moxibustion of the Sanyinjiao, heating Yang Qi enters these three meridians, which promotes digestive function, dispels Cold in the kidney and liver meridians, thereby the feeling of Qi moving towards interior of the vagina. The evil of Cold and Dampness is excreted from the reproductive system, which appears in the form of leucorrhea and vaginal itching in women. 

Sanyinjiao and intersecting meridians
Sanyinjiao and intersecting meridians

After all it is the process of rejection of external Evils by the body, which proves presence of Cold in the kidney and liver meridians of the girl all the time. This process is actually very good and once appears, it must be encouraged and sustained, and the disease would be cured in no time.

Now it is easier to understand why I encouraged her to continue perform moxibustion on those points. Many people choose to stop moxibustion at this time because they don’t know such reactions are actually good, which could cause Evil Qi to remain inside the body and this is very unfortunate in treatment.

Within about a month, this girl left me another messaged again:
“I adhereed to moxibustion after listening to your words, and finally my vaginitis and indigestion are all cured. Honestly, it was not easy. In the first few days, I could barely stand the itching below (vaginal itching). But thankfully it was gone in 3 days, and so were the (vaginal) secretions. Now I am relieved from trouble of indigestion and gynecological diseases, and have become more energetic. Thank you so much! ”

*These cases are selected from a book “Various Diseases Treated by Moxibustion”, written by Shan Xiamin, a renowned Chinese doctor.

**Severe adverse effect may occur, one should not perform any type of moxibustion without instruction of person of rich experience or professional.

Moxibustion Case*- Bloated Abs & Irregular Menstration (I)

A girl whose screen name was ‘Apple peel’ used to send me online messages for consultation. One of her message was: 

“During the past two weeks, I still suffered swelling on both sides of the abdomen, especially after lunch. I couldn’t take a nap, and I feel swelling pain within 10 minutes of lying down, sometimes from sides of pelvis to above the thigh. Last week I began to develop stomach pain, then constipation, and very painful. After following your advice of moxibustion on Zhongwan, Guanyuan, Shenque and lower abdomen on both sides, those discomforts are relieved. Now it is stomach pain and constipation are gone, and the lower abdomen no longer feel bloated. The quality of sleep is also much better, and I feel very energetic during the day.

Zhongwan acupoint
Zhongwan acupoint
Guanyuan & Shenque acupoint
Guanyuan & Shenque acupoint

The other day, in order to treat irregular menstruation, I performed moxibustion on Sanyinjiao. During the process, I felt much irritable, Qi going into the vagina and itchy. Later signs of vaginitis appeared, with slightly white and itchy leucorrhea; now it still tickles from time to time. What should I do? “

In fact, this phenomenon is very normal. I told her to continue perform moxibustion on Zhongwan, Guanyuan, Shenjue and Sanyinjiao, and do not worry; it would get well within two weeks. Some people may ask why should she continue moxibustion even though she was already ill doing it?

This is a very common problem. During my disease treatment via moxibustion, many reported that they had been well until moxibustion was performed and illness began to appear; or they were originally trying to treat one disease, but some other ailment emerged after moxibustion. So is moxibustion good or bad?

Sanyinjiao acupoint
Sanyinjiao acupoint

*These cases are selected from a book “Various Diseases Treated by Moxibustion”, written by Shan Xiamin, a renowned Chinese doctor.

**Severe adverse effect may occur, one should not perform any type of moxibustion without instruction of person of rich experience or professional.

Moxibustion Case: Sub-health*

Moxibustion not only brings out Pure Yang nature of mugwort, but also bear the effect of dredging the meridians, so it is nemesis for many modern diseases. I have treated many patients with this method, and a young girl in her twenties is very representative. She was a white-collar worker of a large firm in Beijing, who mostly sit in front of a computer and often worked overtime. She came to me because of her insomnia. She could not sleep at night for over two months; She was dizzy during the day, unable to concentrate, and easily out of temper. Her superior criticized her for being absent-minded. She felt wronged, but was unable to fight this condition with medicine or supplements.

My analysis of her situation is a combination of Cold, Qi and Deficiency. Wearing thin business outfits and working in AC environment, therefore afflicted by severe Cold; bad temper coupled with criticism from superiors and busy work, ‘Qi’ grew stronger and blocked the meridians; sitting  in front of the computer all day with no exercise, often working overtime, Original Yang was heavily consumed. All these caused her physical weakness and deficiency in the twenties. Many people are similar to her nowadays, who work hard for a good career, but ended up throwing money to doctors.

Shenmen acupoint

Her illness was mainly reflected in poor energy and emotional changes. According to TCM theory “Heart governs the mind”, so I performed moxibustion** on her acupoints in the heart meridian such as Shenmen, and used the firepower of moxibustion to open up her blocked meridians. I also performed moxibustion on her acupoints in her head such as Baihui, Dazhui and Anmian, plus Yongquan on the foot, so Yang Qi could rise to her head and improve the supply of Blood and Qi. Lastly, I told her to soak feet in warm water with mugwort leaves every night, which had the dual effects of dispelling Cold and replenishing Yang. Within a month of following these advice, all her original discomforts disappeared.

Baihui acupoint
Baihui acupoint
Dazhui acupoint
Dazhui acupoint
Anmian acupoint
Anmian acupoint
Yongquan acupoint
Yongquan acupoint

For a long time, mugwort was nothing but a weed that nobody cared about, but once combined with fire, it becomes effective prescription for many diseases. By using mugwort to expel Cold and tonify Yang, and moxibustion to regulate Qi and dredge meridians, one could get vitality as tenacious as the weeds; so no matter how rampant Qi and Cold become, they would never be able to undermine the giant tree of health.

*These cases are selected from a book “Various Diseases Treated by Moxibustion”, written by Shan Xiamin, a renowned Chinese doctor .

**Severe adverse effect may occur, one should not perform any type of moxibustion without instruction of person of rich experience or professional.

Moxibustion- Nemesis of Cold, Qi, and Deficiency

Moxibustion is the nemesis of Cold, Qi, and Deficiency

One may notice that in previous posts regarding expelling Cold-evils, dredging meridians, supplementing Original Yang, and regulating Righteousness Qi, all the examples are related to moxibustion. In TCM, acupuncture actually consists of two parts: acupuncture and moxibustion. In the Chinese word of acupuncture- “针灸“, ““ means Acupuncture and “” means Moxibustion. This is my preferred method for treatment as it is particularly effective for diseases of modern people.

Moxibustion character evolution
Moxibustion character evolution

The method of “moxibustion” could allegedly be traced back to the as early as the Paleolithic Age when fire was first discovered. It can be observed from the Chinese character of “灸”(moxibustion), where the bottom half- ““ means ‘Fire‘ (The image above shows evolution of the character). Fire could generate active energy, stimulate and dredge meridians, as well as reconcile/regulate Qi and Blood.

Mugwort leaves
Mugwort leaves

In the Classic “Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor”, it was mentioned “…where beyond reach of acupuncture, it may be appropriate for moxibustion”; also in “Introduction of Medicine”, “…where herbs and acupuncture stop to work, moxibustion must be performed”.  Therefore, it is arguable that moxibustion is the best treatment method among all four Chinese treatment methods: Stone Needle, Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Herbs.

Ground mugwort leaves
Ground mugwort leaves

Although there are various types of moxibustion, the most commonly known is that performed with mugwort; this is because it is as magical as moxibustion. Mugwort’s function was mentioned in a number of ancient TCM works, but they can all be summarized in two words “Pure Yang”.  Because mugwort features Pure Yang, it has wonderful effects on treating Cold evil and Yang Deficiency.

Even today many people still use mugwort leaves for foot bath or put mugwort leaves into sachet and wear it to achieve the purpose of consolidating Yang and expelling Cold. These are very practical fold remedy.

Mugwort leave foot bath
Mugwort leave foot bath

Secret of Staying Health- Regulate Righteousness Qi

Regulate Righteousness Qi

The 3 principles of expelling Cold-evil, dredging meridians, and supplementing Original Yang are primarily suitable for people of illnesses. How about healthy people, what can they do to remain healthy? 

The answer is to regulate Righteousness Qi, which could prevent disease and maintain health, and is recommended for everyone. Those who are familiar with TCM would know it is very particular about “Qi”, like Nutrient Qi, Defense Qi, Yang Qi and so on.

So what is Righteousness Qi?
– It’s the ability of the human body to fight against Evil, or pathogenic factors.

The reason why people would get sick is because of insufficient Righteousness Qi, which can be divided into two cases: Deficiency and Excess.
– Deficiency means Righteousness Qi is weak, &
– Excess means Evil is excessive. 

Therefore, regulating Righteousness Qi would help human body fight against Evil so that Righteousness Qi could prevail.

This is probably most distinct in the case of an influenza. Usually influenza spreads in a large area where significant number of people live, but always only a fraction of the population is affected, while not the rest even though they are exposed to the same virus. One theory accredits this to their robust immune system, but from TCM’s perspective, it is the abundant Righteousness Qi that protects body against the virus (Evil).

In my experience, moxibustion is effective for both Deficiency and Excess cases, and my first option when it comes to advice to patients. When Righteousness Qi is well regulated, Evil would not prevail. This is important for both patients and healthy people.  

When in sickness, one should
1) expel Cold-evil,
2) dredge the meridians, and
3) supplement Original Yang.

When healthy, one should regulate Righteousness Qi so that Evil Qi would not prevail. If these four items were all well taken care of, one should have nothing to worry about staying healthy.  

3 Major Causes of Illness (3)- Supplement Original Yang- Anti-aging

Supplement Original Yang

According to “Suwen”, women start to show signs of aging from age of 35, while men from 40. This coincides with my treatment experience, where many people are all normal in their twenties, but all of a sudden start being plagued by illnesses when reaching forty. This does not mean he was immune to illnesses the twenties, but the body was full of Qi and Blood at the time and Righteousness Qi prevailed in the battle against the evil. Beyond 40, however, people start to age, Original Qi reduces and if it could not be replenished in time, physical weakness would result and the evil would manifest.

How to fight this?
The only way is to supplement the Original Yang. After curing my patients who were physically weak, I would tell them to start performing regular regimen moxibustion*, on major acupoints such as Guanuan, Mingmen, Zusanli, etc. In “Compendium of Materia Medica” it was mentioned that mugwort has nature of Pure Yang, therefore is a great supplement for Original Yang deficiency.

Guanyuan acupoint
Guanyuan acupoint
Mingmen acupoint
Mingmen acupoint
Zusanli acupoint
Zusanli acupoint

When Original Yang is abundant, physical condition could be restored to as good as the twenties, thereby dispelling all diseases. 

*Severe adverse effect may occur, one should not perform any type of moxibustion without instruction of person of rich experience or professional.

3 Major Causes of Illness (2)- Dredge Meridians- Back Pain

Dredge Meridians

Dredging meridians is actually dissolving Qi stagnation, because meridians are the channels of Qi. When meridians are opened, Qi would run smoothly. In TCM there is a famous saying- ‘Stagnation leads to pain’, so the most typical manifestation of meridian blockage is pain, such as headache, back and leg pain, etc., which are all of the same cause. 

When treating these diseases, I often perform acupuncture on corresponding acupoints first, and then moxibustion. Moxibustion features heat and dispersion, the acupuncture needles could conduct heat into the body, thus allowing heat to dissolve stagnated Qi in meridians. Once the meridians are dredged, Qi and Blood can reach the viscera, just like farmland being adequately irrigated, and diseases would heal naturally.

Moxibustion* of the following acupoints would treat back pain:

1. Shenyu

Shenyu acupoint
Shenyu acupoint

 2. Yangguan

Yangguan acupoint
Yangguan acupoint

3. Weizhong

Weizhong acupoint
Weizhong acupoint

*Severe adverse effect may occur, one should not perform any type of moxibustion without instruction of person of rich experience or professional.

3 Major Causes of Illness (1) Dispel Cold-evil – Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical Spondylosis*

From a previous post, we know that Cold-evil, Qi stagnation, and Original Yang deficiency are the three major causes of illness among modern people. If these three factors could be dispelled, health would be restored most of the time. Therefore, as long as one follows three principles of expelling Cold-evil, dredging meridians, and supplementing Original Yang, most illnesses could be cured without seeing a doctor.

Cold-evil is the biggest external cause of modern illnesses. Take myself as an example, I am in my sixties now and still surf the internet for several hours each day. When keeping my neck in the same position for extended period of time, it is easy to catch cold, so I too was affected by a common disease-cervical spondylosis. So I started to wear a portable moxa box behind my neck** (similar to the picture below), which is a popular moxibustion method nowadays.

Portable moxa on neck
Portable moxa on neck

I recall not feeling any particular heat behind my neck after the first time, but utter chill. When touching the skin with hand, it was already very hot, but I did feel much cold. Since then I always felt my neck was cold. This is the sign of cold exiting the body; because moxibustion is based on the power of fire/heat, which could restrain the Cold-evil, and expel the cold lurking deep inside the neck.

I held on for a month, and then my neck felt warm, and cervical spondylosis was healed. This is an example of the principle of expelling Cold-evil.

*These cases are selected from a book “Various Diseases Treated by Moxibustion”, written by Shan Xiamin, a renowned Chinese doctor .

**Severe adverse effect may occur, one should not perform any type of moxibustion without instruction of person of rich experience or professional.

Moxibustion Case: Headache


Once I treated two young people. Both of them had headache, but the cause and symptoms are completely different. The first person was sleeping under vent of AC for a whole night, and felt swelling headache after waking up, which followed the same rhythm of the heartbeat. According to TCM theory, this headache is result of Liver-Yang hyperactivity due to Qi and Blood stagnation, caused by retention of Exogenous Evil.

The second patient had headache where the head felt empty and pain after spending several whole nights surfing the internet. This was caused by deficiency of Qi and Blood, because Original Yang was insufficient and unable to reach the head, so the pain felt empty. The cause of their headaches was different, so was the treatment.

I performed moxibustion** to the first guy on acupoints of Sishengcong and Taichong, the goal was to open up the Qi, so it would help circulation of the Blood and eliminate the headache.

As for the second guy, I performed moxibustion** on acupoints of Zusanli, Sanyinjiao, and Xuehai, which was intended to nourish the Kidney-Yang. When Original Yang rose to the head, the head would no longer feel empty.

Xuehai- Sea of Blood
Xuehai- Sea of Blood

These two patients are very typical, one caused by invasion of Cold-evil, which led to stagnation of Qi in the body that further blocked the meridians. The other was physically weak, and Original Yang insufficient. According to my experience, Cold-evil, Qi stagnation, and Original Yang Deficiency are the three primary causes of disease of modern people.

In my career I encountered many patients just like these two patients. Their illnesses may be different, but all of the same causes of Cold-evil, stagnation of Qi, and deficiency of Original Yang. The diseases ranged from minor ones as cold and cough, to grave ones like heart attack and stroke.

I always remind my patients of these three major causes of disease and ask them to take better care of their health. After all, ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’.

*These cases are selected from a book “Various Diseases Treated by Moxibustion”, written by Shan Xiamin, a renowned Chinese doctor .

**Severe adverse effect may occur, one should not perform any type of moxibustion without instruction of person of rich experience or professional.

Types of Moxibustion: Thermal Box, Fume & Solar

III. Thermal box moxibustion

Thermal box is specially made device for moxibustion. Put lit moxa or moxa stick in the thermal box, then place it on the acupoint or the affected area, and perform moxibustion until the skin turns ruddy and warm. This method is easy to operate, and not only suitable for patient with diseases of deficiency and internal cold, such as epigastric pain, diarrhea, etc., but also very beneficial for care of the elderly. The actual list of benefits is much longer, depending on the specific scenario moxibustion is applied, as one would see in future posts.

The following are pictures of some of the popular thermal boxes:

Hole-type thermal box
Hole-type thermal box
Needle-type moxa box
Needle-type moxa box
Mobile moxibustion box
Mobile moxibustion box

IV. Fume Moxibustion

Fume moxibustion is also a common method of moxibustion. Add moxa leaves or moxa and water in a container and start boiling or steaming, then put the container in a basin and place under acupoints or affected area. One can also light proper amount of moxa in a vessel, and use the fume to perform moxibustion. This method is suitable for treatment of diseases of wind cold and dampness.

Fume moxibustion
Fume moxibustion

V. Solar Moxibustion

Spread moxa on acupoints or affected area, expose it under the sun; perform moxibustion by using sunlight till local skin becomes warm and comfortable, and preferably last 10-20 minutes each time. During the process, skin around the acupoints or affected area should be covered with clothing; beware of heat stroke in summer. Solar moxibustion is suitable for treatment of diseases of wind cold and dampness, and chronic debilitating diseases.