by Dr. Ni Haixia at Hantang College of TCM, Florida
In ancient China, there were also records of men getting breast cancer.
The typical case happened on a candidate for the imperial examination- the equivalence of the modern Civil Servant Examination, but is more competitive and held every three years.
When he repeatedly failed the exam over the years, small lumps would start to form around his nipples, then break, and followed by discharge of the yellow liquid. Eventually, it would develop into breast cancer.
The mechanism of men getting breast cancer is similar to that of women, except it is not caused by refluent milk, but semen, back into the breasts. Men’s physiological circulatory system is opposite to that of women, which will be explained in the future.
by Dr. Ni Haixia at Hantang College of TCM, Florida
One assertion of WM is that breast cancer can be passed on to the next generation.
According to TCM theory, breast cancer is nonhereditary but caused by hereditary personality.
First, if a mother is sentimental, chances are her daughter may have the same personality.
Secondly, the daughter is told that breast cancer is hereditary, so she would become worried and scared.
Then she may share the same habits as her mother, like taking Western medicines, including vitamins.
All of these would lead to breast cancer, which will be referred to by WM as evidence that breast cancer is indeed hereditary.
WM still doesn’t know the source of breast cancer, which is excess milk accumuled in the breast hardening and developing into breast cancer. But this has not prevented them from making false claims and causing panic among women.
As a result, women would worry and start to get annual mammography and biopsy, further increasing the risk of breast cancer. Hence the cycle of the nightmare.
Therefore, the high mortality rate of breast cancer is caused by the wrong WM theories.
by Dr. Ni Haixia at Hantang College of TCM, Florida
For women after menopause and having their uterus and ovaries excised, they should be aware of a common misunderstanding that there would be no breast milk after menopause. A woman’s breasts will still produce milk even after menopause.
What changes is since the milk cannot be expelled through the uterus, the only other exit is the large intestine. Therefore feces become the only channel for discharging the milk.
I often say to patients with amenorrhea that I would rather see diarrhea on you than constipation because I know good bowel movement can prevent women without menstruation from getting lung cancer.
Many women never smoke but somehow still get lung cancer, and it is caused by a similar mechanism as breast cancer mentioned above.
WM attributes the cause to inhaling too much cooking fumes, even though many women’s cooking does not produce any fumes at all.
Suppose a woman after menopause is perplexed with long-term constipation and goes to a WM doctor because she doesn’t want to endure the symptoms of hot flashes, irritability, night sweats, and the like during menopause.
She is told to take female hormones, which would stimulate the body to produce more unnecessary milk. However, due to constipation, this excessive milk cannot be discharged from the body.
Meanwhile, she is annoyed by her husband at home, which brings harm to her lungs. Consequently, she would face the risk of lung cancer.
When a problem arises in the lungs, WM would have no clue, but TCM will know because the circulation time of the Qi and Blood of the Lung Meridian is 3:00~5:00 AM. If you wake up at this time every day, it means there is a lung problem.
Similarly, the circulation time of the Liver Meridian is 1:00~3:00AM. If you wake up during this period, it may be an early sign of liver cancer.
According to my experience, TCM could detect lung or liver cancer about two years before WM.
At this time, all TCM needs is to cure a woman’s constipation, and then give the patient the classic prescription of Wenjing Decoction to help her get through the menopause, and the ticking time bomb will be defused.
This is the meaning of ‘The best measure is to treat a disease before its onset.’
by Dr. Ni Haixia at Hantang College of TCM, Florida
Unaware of the origin of breast cancer, WM focuses entirely on killing cancer cells, which causes panic and insomnia in the patient.
According to TCM theory, worry would harm the lungs, which are the source of breast milk. If the lungs are injured, the milk will flow back into them. Therefore, breast cancer would pass on to the lungs after WM treatment, which is lung cancer’s metastasis.
Similarly, if the heart is hurt, it would cause the milk to flow back into the heart, and causing lupus erythematosus in WM.
Right below the nipples is the liver meridian. If the refluent milk flows into the liver along this meridian, liver cancer metastasis will result.
In TCM theory, the lung, kidney, and brain are closely related. Once this milk enters the lungs, it will descend to the kidneys and then rise to the brain.
Because milk is a form of food, it can pass through the blood-brain barrier and cause brain tumors. Similarly, other cancer metastasis would occur due to the reflux of milk into various organs.
Since the doctors who treat breast cancer do not know that the putrid milk is the cause of breast cancer, the more treatment a patient receives, the quicker cancer spreads, and the faster breast cancer patients die.
On the other hand, if staying untreated, the milk would stay in the breasts, and patients would live till the toxins enter internal organs, which would take about 14 years, according to TCM records.
This is why I assert that when treated by WM, often, the patient died of the treatment rather than breast cancer. The standard of survival time is based on ancient records.
If WM treatment of breast cancer could make patients survive for more than 14 years, I will admit that they are effective. Otherwise, it would prove the patient died from the treatment, not from breast cancer itself.
by Dr. Ni Haixia at Hantang College of TCM, Florida
Since WM does not know that breast cancer is caused by excessive milk accumulation in the breast, women are encouraged to undergo routine examinations such as mammography or biopsy. However, these exams would bring harm to the mammary gland.
Due to the damage in gland ducts, small gaps will form, which is where milk is most likely to accumulate and penetrate the body. This means the more exams you do, the easier it is to get breast cancer.
So it’s the husband, not the gynecologist, who is the best candidate for breast cancer exams.
It is well known that when food goes bad, it could become poisonous. If excessive milk stays in the breast for too long, it will spoil like other food.
The doctors treating breast cancer daily have all experienced the stink from breast cancer. Sometimes I almost pass out during the treatment, but I still need to act calm and pretend it’s all right.
The surgery and chemotherapy recommended by WM would further harm the heart.
Moreover, if a patient were not advised against a diet rich in milk and vitamins, these nutrients would help support the progression of breast cancer, bring more damage to the heart, and make things even worse.
These factors are why menopausal women are more prone to breast cancer after taking female hormones- because artificial female hormones would increase the amount of excess milk in the breast.
In the United States, it is approved by the federal government that farms could use female hormones to feed cows, which would significantly increase milk production. This is one of the reasons I never drink milk in the U.S.- I am afraid that my breasts would grow large.
by Dr. Ni Haixia at Hantang College of TCM, Florida
The heart controls the menstrual cycle. In the thousands of years’ TCM records and research of the heart, there was no record of such issues as cardiac valvular insufficiency defined by the WM.
These heart conditions happen in modern times mainly due to excessive taking of Western medicines developed by pharmaceutical companies, such as antibiotics, painkillers, many controlling drugs, female hormones, and even vitamin E, all of which can hurt the heart.
But in their advertising, vitamin E is being advocated as capable of preventing heart diseases.
When the heart is harmed, insomnia would initially arise. WM does not know that insomnia is mainly caused by Western medicines’ side effects, domestic troubles, or depression.
So WM would prescribe sleeping pills or anti-depressive drugs for insomnia patients, making things even worse and bringing more damage to the heart.
Eventually, due to a lack of energy in the heart, breast milk can not completely transport to the uterus. After the menstrual period, there will still be residual milk in the breast, which will accumulate every month.
According to ‘Suwen,’ a TCM classic, emotions can affect people’s physiological cycle.
In the past, Chinese women were primarily confined at home, which is pretty depressing, so they were prone to breast cancer.
Although that’s no longer the case for modern women, the ever-lasting pressure from life and work would make them worry, coupled with the toxins of Western medicines, the heart becomes even more vulnerable.
by Dr. Ni Haixia at Hantang College of TCM, Florida
According to the Meridian theory, there are a total of 11 meridians converging at the breast. With so many complicated meridians gathered here, naturally, diseases are easy to arise, and with different causes.
Meridians/ Channels in the Breasts
The breast is like an intersection joined by 11 roads, but with only one traffic light- the heart, no wonder it is prone to accidents and problems.
Based on TCM theory, breast milk and menstruation are the two sides of one coin.
There are two direct pieces of evidence.
First, ask any mother if she has menstruation during breastfeeding, and the answer would be ‘No.’ During breastfeeding, there is no menstruation.
Has it ever occurred to you that breast milk and menstruation could be from the same source, so when milk is produced, menstruation is gone?
Secondly, according to the WM theory, menstruation is the excreted unfertilized egg from the body.
However, there is no egg entering the uterus after ligation, yet why is the menstruation still present?
From these two pieces of evidence, it can be proved that menstruation and breast milk are from the same origin, but not menstruation and eggs.
The heart controls the menstrual cycle. In the thousands of years’ TCM records and research of the heart, there was no mention of such issues as cardiac valvular insufficiency defined by the WM.
They happen in modern times from the excessive taking of Western medicines developed by pharmaceutical companies, such as antibiotics, painkillers, many controlling drugs, female hormones, and even vitamin E, all of which can hurt the heart.
But in their advertising, vitamin E is being advocated as capable of preventing heart diseases.
When the heart is harmed, insomnia would initially arise.
WM does not know that insomnia is mainly caused by Western medicines’ side effects, domestic troubles, and depression.
So WM would prescribe sleeping pills or anti-depressive drugs for insomnia patients, making things even worse and bringing more damage to the heart.
Eventually, due to a lack of energy in the heart, breast milk can not completely transport to the uterus.
After the menstrual period, there will still be residual milk in the breast, which will accumulate every month.
by Dr. Ni Haixia at Hantang College of TCM, Florida
The earliest complete records of breast cancer in China was in the Song Dynasty (960- 1279 AD). It was called – Brest Rock at the time because the tumor was as hard as a rock.
Since the onset, it would typically last about 14 years, during which pink skin from psoriasis around the areola would occur at first. The lump gradually began to enlarge till it burst the epidermis and ulcerated.
Eventually, dark brown body fluid would discharge, whose odor is so intense that one could smell it from 20 feet away. If a patient stays in a room for 20 minutes, the smell could last for a whole week. The ulcered wound would be so deep that the ribs become visible, and dark blood discharge during the later stage.
Breast Cancer Stages
Strangely enough, from beginning to end, patients would feel no pain at all but only feel piercing heartburn before dying. Based on ancient records, if breast cancer were not treated, the patient would survive for about 14 years.
Such cases only happened in ancient times due to the underdeveloped medical treatment, lack of doctors, and limited transportation. Now almost no patient is left untreated because WM is so widespread.
But WM is unaware that the TCM record of breast cancer cases has long existed. The average five-year survival rate of breast cancer has increased to 91% in the U.S. But is it really as encouraging as it sounds when comparing to ancient cases where no treatment was received at all?
If left completely untreated, one may even live longer and with much less physical pain. The patient may have to live with the stinking smell but can eat and sleep as usual.
In TCM theory, thyroid problems could be traced back to the heart. The origin of this patient’s discomfort is extended taking of the medicines, whose toxin has harmed the heart, thereby causing insomnia. Another consequence is the milk can not all descend into the uterus and become menstruation, so an excess of milk would reverse into the heart, just like adding fuel to the fire.
Therefore, the patient would feel hot and dry. Since the milk cannot enter the heart all at once, these excessive nutrients would enter the limbs, which would be painful.
From the tenderness of the fifth vertebra, we can now know that it is just a case of Excessive Heart Fire now, which is very easy to cure, as it is before the onset of the disease.
As mentioned in an old TCM idiom-“The best measure is to treat a disease before it happens.”
TCM could collect rich information from the symptoms and get a good grasp of the condition based on the symptoms only.
On the other hand, WM doctors need to wait till a disease can be confirmed, usually by abnormal test results, before any action could be taken, so their response is often too late.
They do not know where a disease comes from, therefore cannot prevent diseases from occurring, nor do they understand the correlation between diseases.
Simply put, the so-called Syndrome Differentiation in TCM is the ability to tell what is hidden inside while standing outside and without needing any intrusive exam methods.
In ancient times, under ruling of a sage minister who had a profound vision and knew how to take precaution against potential crises, the country may be prosperous and peaceful, but the people did not feel his merits.
Mediocre people only give credit to ministers who successfully handled a crisis after it happened. Since mediocre people constitute the majority of the population, TCM appears lusterless when it could prevent diseases or crises from happening.
Currently, for patients who have been diagnosed with Lupus by WM, the fastest record of my treatment is a recovery in 55 days. If the right treatment was performed before the onset of lupus, it could be cured within 30 days.
Moreover, TCM could also prevent the patient from getting diseases that could be evolved from lupus, such as breast cancer, leukemia, brain tumor, lymphoma, lung cancer, and liver cancer. The benefits to the patient would be huge.
* These cases were from the medical journals of Dr. Ni, a renowned TCM doctor who used to practice in Merritt Island, Florida.
Dr. Ni Haixia was born in Taipei in 1954. He used to be the Dean of the Hantang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the United States and a professor at the California University of Chinese Medicine.
Dr. Ni opened the Hantang Chinese Medicine Clinic in Merritt Island, FL., in 1989. He founded the HanTang TCM Medical College in 1995.
He was elected as a member of the Supreme TCM Committee of the Florida Department of Health and in charge of all physician qualification, license renewal, and physician re-education programs. He was also appointed as Vice-Chairman of the Florida Acupuncture Committee by the Governor of Florida and assisted in passing the Acupuncture Act in Nebraska.
Dr. Ni practiced in the United States for more than 20 years, and he cured many diseases that were considered incurable by WM via TCM prescriptions. He was highly esteemed by the patients and the medical community and was often referred to by patients as “The last hope.”
A female, 38 years old, Colombian, married with one daughter.
She had been extremely tired, had muscle pains in both arms and calves during the past five years. Every time it ached, there would be redness of the skin on her cheeks.
Doctors at the hospitals could not find anything wrong with her but said it was a pain of the muscle fibers. Lupus erythematosus was not detected.
She had many red acne on her face and chest.
“Do you have insomnia?” – “Yes.”
“Are you constipated?” – “Yes.”
“Do you feel hot or cold when you sleep at night?” – “Hot, and it’s so hot that my husband can’t get anywhere near me.”
I looked at her medical record and saw Synthroid, the most widely used medicine for thyroid in the United States.
“How long have you been taking this medicine?” – “About eight years, and it doesn’t feel too effective.”
I check her spine and found strong tenderness points under the fifth vertebra.
This is a typical case of preventive treatment of diseases. The WM doctor must wait till someone is seriously ill before making a name for the condition, such as lupus, and then attribute it to the immune system.
The doctors don’t have much clue what’s going on. The patient may be afflicting a lot, but the doctors still thought it’s all right- because the machines could detect nothing wrong.
They don’t know what’s going on from start to finish. The patient is suffering a great deal, yet they still say she is not sick, which is genuinely harmful.
* These cases were from the medical journals of Dr. Ni, a renowned TCM doctor who used to practice in Merritt Island, Florida.
Dr. Ni Haixia was born in Taipei in 1954. He used to be the Dean of the Hantang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the United States and a professor at the California University of Chinese Medicine.
Dr. Ni opened the Hantang Chinese Medicine Clinic in Merritt Island, FL., in 1989. He founded the HanTang TCM Medical College in 1995.
He was elected as a member of the Supreme TCM Committee of the Florida Department of Health and in charge of all physician qualification, license renewal, and physician re-education programs. He was also appointed as Vice-Chairman of the Florida Acupuncture Committee by the Governor of Florida and assisted in passing the Acupuncture Act in Nebraska.
Dr. Ni practiced in the United States for more than 20 years, and he cured many diseases that were considered incurable by WM via TCM prescriptions. He was highly esteemed by the patients and the medical community and was often referred to by patients as “The last hope.”